NTPC Family

30-09-2022 | read

Telemedicine service was successfully inaugurated at Aarogyam Hospital, NTPC Tanda on 30th September 2022 by Shri B C Polai, CGM (T).

Dr Shipra Rani, AGM (Medical) described the functioning of telemedicine services to apprise the employees and family members about it’s usage and also demonstrated the system.

Using this facility, NTPC employees and their dependents can avail telemedicine services from Specialists as well as Super Specialists from hospitals such as Apollo and Medanta. The patients will be connected to the doctors within and outside the organisation through video mode, who would provide appropriate prescription as required.

On the occasion, Shri Polai appreciated the futuristic medical initiative and said that it will prove much beneficial for the employees and family members.

Dr Udain Tiwari, GM (MS) said that the initiative aims to make quality medical care accessible even at remote locations. He also urged the employees and family members to take the time to understand the functioning of telemedicine service and avail it to their benefit.

On the occasion, Shri Krishnendu Gangopadhyay, GM (O&M), Shri Atul Gupta, GM (FGD), Shri P L Narsimha, GM (FM), Shri Abhoy Mishra, GM (Opn) & other HODs and medical staff were present.